7 Guaranteed Joy Boosters

Vita Allegre (Joyful Living) is Ramona’s goal in my novel Dating da Vinci. While getting your groove back after a big loss (death, divorce) takes some time, I’ve gathered up 7 Joy Boosters that work for me to shift my energy and keep my spirits up. I’d love to hear yours in comments. 1. Singing really loud and dancing…

Bridesmaids and the One Year Anniversary of Something New

Today I’m kicking off a bridesmaids blog hop with some very cool writers whom I’d be happy to have in my wedding party. We’re doing the hop in celebration of the one year anniversary of Dani Stone’s NEXT LEFT and my SOMETHING NEW, which both feature a bridesmaid theme. Before Thanksgiving, we’re giving away a…

Something New and something really new

Is there a time of year you’re most creative? A lot is written about the time of day we’re most creative (the brain seems like the 9-11 a.m. slot), but what about time of year? Place? Summer definitely slows down my creative output. It’s not that I don’t get new ideas, but with my current…

Next Big Thing: An RV and a Mystery/Thriller

When an author girlfriend asks me to do something, I try to do it. If it were in the real world, say asking if I had any wine or chocolate in my house because they were PMSing, of course I’d share. When it’s online and the girlfriend is Marilyn Brant, (A Summer in Europe), I…

Kicking off the Sleigh Read Tour

It’s an honor to be the first driver in the Sleigh Read tour. My sleigh is shiny red, so glossy you can see winding down the road a mile away, led by beautiful Clydesdale horses featured in my Sleigh Ride: A Winter Anthology story, “Snowflakes and Stones.” I’ve borrowed the hand-made purple scarf featured in…

Keep Calm and Write On or Drama Begets Drama?

Is it possible to be at your best creatively when your life is at its worst? So much has happened lately that disrupts life as we know it. Hurricane Sandy on the east coast, with many writer friends without power, which meant not only no wi-fi or computer to write on, but you could be…

NaNoWriMo CraZyYo…But This is How I Do It

Quick refresher: I’ve been published since 2006 with three publishers – the latter one I started myself after I got my rights back on my first novel, The Stork Reality. Second novel, Dating da Vinci, is still with my second publisher (though thankfully I retained movie rights because it would make an adorable movie –don’t…

Is it time to crack yourself open?

If happiness is life’s greatest reward, then for the creative soul, it requires giving ourselves permission to fully create. Think about it: Often we live from our base self, ego speaking to other egos, superficial, small talk, and busy work. We’re hopefully acting civil, moving through our days with tasks both menial and major, but…

How badly do you want it?

Yesterday my editor and I were discussing projects, and she brought up a great point about writers – getting their writing done on time largely depends on how badly they want it. How important is writing to them? To get their story or book out by a certain time? Largely this holds true for our…

What if you don’t get what you want?

I’m in the clutches of back to school for my elementary, middle schooler and high schooler, and volunteered yesterday at my sorority during recruitment. (Today is pref day, which means you go back to two parties and hopefully bid one tomorrow.) Back to school is a great time to think about expectations, and, conversely, disappointment….